Personal Healing

There are times along our healing journey when we need some personalized help and support.  I offer one-to-one healing that helps release personal, familial, generational, and cultural burdens; restore lost or buried aspects of our True Self; and renew our relationship with Spiritual resources.

The individual healing work that I offer can be a one time meeting in which I support your healing through a soul retrieval, extraction, Spirit Release, or Systemic Constellation.  Sometimes, the initial intention might be for a “simple” soul retrieval or extraction.  However my Spirit Team reveals issues that impede the successful integration of that work.  Thus we might meet for 3 – 5 sessions to clear the impediments before doing the retrieval or extraction work.

Finally, I also support people’s healing by offering a more sustained and ongoing integrative healing process.  Within this longer sustained process I integrate the diverse modalities that I have studied – shamanic healing, systemic constellations, Andean Energy medicine, and body based energy work – into an integrated healing approach.  I have particular interest and expertise in helping people heal energetically and spiritually from the impact of abuse and trauma.

The energy exchange for my work is $110.00 for a standard meeting and $150.00 for an extended meeting.  A regular meeting time is around an hour.  Because the movement of Spirit is less linear than our western cultural view, this hour can be 50 minutes or 75 minutes.  The energy exchange is the same and I trust it all comes out in the wash.  If I know that there will be a more complex or difficult piece of work, we might schedule an extended meeting.  This would be around 90 minutes. Finally, the energy exchange, for a regular or extended meeting, includes the container that I hold in between our face-to-face meetings (in-person or virtual).

If you are interested in individual healing work with me – a soul retrieval, Spirit Release, or something more extensive – the first step is my initial discernment process which is how I carefully and intentionally seek the guidance of my Spirit Team before beginning work with people.